The ThunderBay.XYZ community portal has been totally rebuilt from scratch and is all new!
This site now features:
- Area Map 🧭
- Suggest your favorite or interesting place in the Thunder Bay area to be displayed on our Thunder Bay area map.
- Bulletins 📌
- Similar to the physical corkboard you would find in a public place (only better), you can post public notices here.
- Events 🗓
- You can never have too many venues to post your event! Not only that, your event will be presented in a calendar format with links to your event site and a location map.
- Forums 🗫
- Start a discussion on topics of Thunder Bay and the surrounding area.
- Groups 👥
- Do you and a few of your friends share a common interest? Start a group and find out if others also share the same interest.
- NEW! – Community Pages 📑
- Community Pages created by our members for groups, organizations, or a Thunder Bay fan page.
Any questions, comments, or concerns? Please contact us.